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Financial Stability Studies

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Issue No. Financial Stability Studies Vol.16 No.1
Issue Date 30/06/2015

1 A Study on the Relationship between Risk of Guarantee Insurance Industry and Systemic Risk(Seungyeon Won, Kiyoung Lee).pdf

2 The Leverage Effects of Bank Lending onHouse Prices under the Chonsei System(Heeho Kim).pdf

3 An Analysis of Interlinkage among the Money,Stock, and Foreign Exchange Markets(Keunyeong Lee).pdf

4 The Role of Asset Tangibility on Corporate Investment under Financial Constraints in Korea(Jinwoong Kim, Inchul Kim, Youngjin Ro).pdf

5 What Explains the Idiosyncratic Volatility in the Korean Stock Market(Sangkyu Lee, Anna Moon).pdf

  • 1. A Study on the Relationship between Risk of Guarantee Insurance Industry and Systemic Risk(Seungyeon
    Won, Kiyoung Lee)
    2. The Leverage Effects of Bank Lending onHouse Prices under the Chonsei System(Heeho Kim)
    3. An Analysis of Interlinkage among the Money,Stock, and Foreign Exchange Markets(Keunyeong Lee)
    4. The Role of Asset Tangibility on Corporate Investment under Financial Constraints in Korea(Jinwoong Kim,
    Inchul Kim, Youngjin Ro)
    5. What Explains the Idiosyncratic Volatility in the Korean Stock Market(Sangkyu Lee, Anna Moon)

  • List

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