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Financial Stability Studies

Laws & Decrees
Issue No. Financial Stability Studies Vol.16 No.2
Issue Date 31/12/2015

1 Effects of the Dodd-Frank Act on Bank Financing Evidence from US Commercial Banks(Jeongsim Kim, Sungwook Joh).pdf

2 A Legal Analysis on the Institutional Framework and Its Relevant Issues for Effective Examination and Investigation of the Deposit Insurance Corporation(Seungpil Choi).pdf

3 The Ownership-Governance Structure and Risk Appetite of a Bank(Jungbum Wee, Youngsik Kim).pdf

4 Finding Indicator Variables for Countercyclical Capital Buffer The Case of Korea(Hyunduk Suh, Jungyeon Lee).pdf

5 Bankruptcy of Financial Institution and Financial Consumer Protection(Suneae Chun, Seungkon Oh).pdf

  • 1. Effects of the Dodd-Frank Act on Bank Financing: Evidence from US Commercial Banks(Jeongsim Kim,
    Sungwook Joh)
    2. A Legal Analysis on the Institutional Framework and Its Relevant Issues for Effective Examination and
    Investigation of the Deposit Insurance Corporation(Seungpil Choi)
    3. The Ownership-Governance Structure and Risk Appetite of a Bank(Jungbum Wee, Youngsik Kim)
    4. Finding Indicator Variables for Countercyclical Capital Buffer: The Case of Korea(Hyunduk Suh, Jungyeon
    5. Bankruptcy of Financial Institution and Financial Consumer Protection(Suneae Chun, Seungkon Oh)
  • List

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